The Courier-Journal Louisville, Kentucky Sunday, July 14, 1957
Byrne Wins Milwaukee Tournament
By Merrill Dowden
Michigan's Donald Byrne has finished on top of the pack in the Northwestern Chess Tournament at Milwaukee.
The resourceful Byrne crashed through to the championship after Larry Evans of New York, who led at the end of the seventh round, was held to a draw in the finals.
While Byrne was defeating Tibor Weinberger of Milwaukee in a five-hour, 47-move match, Evans was stopped by Hans Berliner of Washington, D.C.
Byrne rolled up 7.0402 points to edge Evans, who had 7.0357.
But while Byrne was first under the wire, it was a 14-year-old prodigy from Brooklyn, Bobby Fischer, that stole the limelight by defeating Dr. Erich W. Marchand, Rochester, N.Y., in the final round. The youngster finished seventh.
Rounding out the top 10, behind Byrne and Evans: Berliner, Samuel Popel, Detroit; Povilas Tautvaisas, Chicago; Atilio De Camillo, Philadelphia; Fischer, Weinberger, Milton Oteson, St. Paul, Minn., and Ivan Thedorvitch, Toronto.