The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, Sunday, December 22, 1957
Fischer Wins First In U.S. Championship
Bobby Fischer of Brooklyn, 14-year-old open champion of the U.S. Chess Federation, defeated Arthur Feuerstein of New York in the first game of the U.S. Championship Tournament, which also involves possession of the Lessing J. Rosenwald Trophy. In this game, which was played before the official opening of the tournament, Fischer had the initiative throughout. He emerged a piece ahead after a time scramble toward the end.
Samuel Reshevsky flew to New York from Dallas just in time to start the first round at the Manhattan Chess Club. Other participants are present U.S. Champion Arthur B. Bisguier, Arnold S. Denker, George Kramer, William Lombardy, Edmar Mednis, Herbert Seidman, James T. Sherwin and Abe Turner, all of New York, and Hans Berliner of Washington, D.C.
Larry Evans and Robert Byrne, who were on the original entry list, dropped out at the last minute. Sidney Bernstein, Anthony Saidy and Jack Collins are being considered as replacements.