The Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, California, Sunday, July 28, 1957
Byrne Shades Evans in Western Open Tourney
Donald Byrne of Ann Arbor, Mich., and Larry Evans of New York tied for first at 7-1 in the Western Open Tournament, which attracted 123 contestants to Milwaukee. Byrne was awarded first prize on the Sonneborn-Berger tie-breaking system, outscoring Evans .402 to .357.
In the last round Evans, who had been leading, drew with Hans Berliner of Washington, D.C., while Byrne defeated Tibor Weinberger of West Allis, Wis. The two leaders were the only unbeaten players.
Berliner tied for third at 6½-1½ with Samuel Popel of Detroit and Povilas Tautvaisis of Chicago. Junior Champion Bobby Fischer took sixth place with 6-2. Following game from the tournament; Arpad Elo vs. Bobby Fischer.